Should You Have A First Look?

December 19, 2018
vows, first look, wedding


Should you have a ‘first look?’ To start off, what even is a first look?  Simply, it is a private, or semi-private, moment alone between the couple before the wedding ceremony. This can be extended to a father-daughter moment, or even a new family coming together.

first look

first look

This is a new concept in the wedding industry and I totally understand why there is immediate resistance towards the concept. It isn’t traditional, but there is a reason that I believe it won’t be a fad that fades away anytime soon. It gives you, as the Bride & Groom, to have a moment alone, to hold hands, pray, say your personal vows, sneak a kiss or just silently be together for a moment before all eyes are on you.

wedding, first look, bride

This is the perfect solution for anyone who is nervous; it helps get all the jitters out, but never takes away from the anticipation of the big moment down the aisle. As your photographer, it gives me closer angles to capture the sparkle in his eye and makes an easy transition into your couple’s photos for the day.

first look, wedding

The privacy helps you relax and get psyched for your formal photos, by starting with something fun. I know it isn’t the choice for everyone and whichever way you choose to go is just fine, but I know if you choose to go with a first look, the photos will be phenomenal!

first look, wedding

wedding, first look, bride

first look, wedding ,bride

first look, wedding, bride

first look, wedding, bride

vows, firsts look, wedding


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